Methodological seminars
Current CHIME Seminars and other events
Archive of Past Methodological Seminars
- 01/22/2024: Speaker: David Elashoff “Strategies for Data Collection”
- 02/26/2024: Speaker: Ron Hays “Psychometric Analysis of Survey Data”
- 04/15/2024: Speaker: Gery Ryan “Qualitative Data Collection”
- 05/20/2024: Speaker: Moira Inkelas “Implementation and Improvement Science”
- 08/19/2024: Panel Discussion on Mixed Methods
- 01/24/2022: Speaker: Robin Faria “Practical Tips for Grant Applications”
- 02/22/2022: Speaker: Frank Wharam “Interrupted Time Series”
- 04/18/2022: Speaker: Joel Kallich “The Use of Electronic Medical Records for Outcomes Research”
- 05/16/2022: Speaker: Jin Zhou “How to Appropriately model and take full advantage of the correlation structure of the large-scale genetic datasets”
- 09/19/2022: Speaker: Marianne Bitler “Instrumental Variables”
- 10/24/2022: Speaker: Luisa Blanco “HRS Data Sets”
- 12/19/2022: Speaker: Roch Nianogo “Causal Mediation Analysis for Identifying Alternative Intervention Targets”
- 01/25/2021: Speaker: Todd Hughes, MS, “Recent Methodological Advances in the California Health Interview Survey”
- 02/22/2021: Speaker: Arie Kapetyn, PhD, “Surveys and Wearables”
- 04/19/2021: Speaker: Chi-Hong Tseng, PhD, “Multiple Comparisons Problem in Statistical Analysis”
- 05/17/2021: Speaker: Melissa Wei, MD, PhD, “Measuring Multimorbidity in Health Services Research”
- 09/20/2021: Speaker: Jessica Hayes, “Introduction to the RAND HSR Data Products”
- 01/27/2020: Speaker: Susan Ettner, PhD, “Endogeneity Bias: A Brief Introduction”
- 04/06/2020: Speaker: Nina Harawa, PhD, “Assessing for Discrimination”
- 05/18/2020: Speaker: Ron Hays, PhD, “Self Reports of Glare Depend on How You Ask the Question”
- 09/21/2020: Speaker: Homero del Pino, PhD, MsC, ” Strategies for Remote/On Line Interaction with Research Particpants during COVID – 19″
- 11/16/2020: Panel Discussion with RCMAR CHIME Faculty Directors, “Creating a Readable Research Poster”
- 02/25/2019: Speaker: Homero del Pino, PhD, “Presentation and Public Speaking Strategies.”
- 03/25/2019: Speaker: Gery Ryan, PhD, “Intervention Design: A Few Tricks, Tips and Suggestions.”
- 05/20/2019: Speaker: Steven Paul Reise, PhD, “Resampling and Bootstrapping and other Non-parametric Approaches.”
- 11/18/2019: Speaker: Ron Hays, PhD, “Estimating Individual Change.”
- 12/16/2019: Speaker: Paul Robinson, PhD, “Understanding Population Accessibility to Health Related Services Using Driving Times with Spatial Interaction Modeling.”
- 02/26/2018: Speaker: Tom Rice, PhD, “Can Nudges Improve the Coverage Decisions of Vulnerable Populations in Health Insurance Marketplaces.”
- 03/19/2018: Speaker: Jose Luis Calderon, MD, “Socio-Cognitive Design Barriers to CAHPS Survey Response by Persons with Limited Literacy: Implications for National Surveys.”
- 05/14/2018: Speaker: Ron Hays, PhD, “Evaluating the significance of individual change.”
- 06/18/2018: Speaker: Loretta Jones, PhD, ThD, MA, “Collaboration Principles.”
- 07/16/2018: Speaker: Keith Norris, MD, PhD, “Race, Racism and Health in Aging.”
- 11/19/2018: Speaker: Robert Weiss, PhD, “Meta-Analysis and Hierarchical Models in Data Analysis and Prior Construction.”
- 12/17/2018: Speaker: Luisa Blanco, PhD, MBA, “Addressing Health Disparities by Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods.”
- 02/27/2017: Speaker: Loretta Jones, ThD, MA, “Community Partnered Participatory Research: 25 Years of Lessons Learned.”
- 03/20/2017: Speaker: Ninez Ponce, PhD, and Yueyan Wang, PhD, “Surveys and Small Area Estimation: Complementary Strategies to Measure the Health of Populations.”
- 04/17/2017: Speaker: Paul L. Robinson, PhD, “Spatial and Temporal Issues in Health Related Databases: Geo-Statistical Methods to Make Data More Robust, Relevant, and Useful.”
- 05/15/2017: Speaker: José Luis Calderón, MD, “Developing CAHPS Survey ‘E’ Versions (CAHPS-E ©) to Improve Healthcare Experiential Performance Measurement by Persons with Limited Literacy.”
- 07/17/2017: Speaker: John Devin Peipert, PhD, “Methodological Issues in Implementing Patient Reports Measures in Clinical Settings.”
- 09/18/2017: Speaker: Ron Hays, PhD, “IRT (Item Response Theory) Software.”
- 11/20/2017: Speaker: Laura Wherry, PhD, “An Introduction to Regression Discontinuity Design.”
- 12/18/2017: Speaker: Teresa Seeman, PhD, Professor of Medicine & Epidemiology in the Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA and Sharon Merkin, PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Geriatrics, UCLA, “National Datasets for Research on Reversibility of Effects of Early Life Adversity.”
- 01/25/16: Thomas Rice, PhD, “Can Nudges Improve the Coverage Decisions of Vulnerable Populations in Health Insurance Marketplaces?”
- 02/22/16: Carol Mangione, MD, MSPH, and Keith Norris, MD, PhD, “The NIH K to R Award Process.”
- 03/21/16: Jose Calderon, MD, “Stanzaic Versification: A Poetry-based Method to Simplify Health-related Prose for Aging Populations.”
- 04/18/16: William Cunningham, MD, “Mediation and Moderation: Practical Approaches and Applications from Research Questions to Analysis and Interpretation in HIV Disparities Research.”
- 05/16/16: Carol Mangione, MD, MSPH, and Keith Norris, MD, PhD, “The NIH K to R Award Process (Continued).”
- 07/18/16: Chi-Hong Tseng, PhD, “Multiple Comparisons Problem in Statistical Analysis.”
- 08/15/16: O. Kenirk Duru, MD, MSHS, “Practical Advice on Research Designs to Evaluate Natural Experiments.”
- 09/19/16: Jose Calderon, MD, “Using Grammatic Parsing to Create Health Information for People with Limited Literacy.”
- 11/21/16: Ian Coulter, PhD, “The Role of Qualitative Methods in Comparative Effectiveness Research: New Paradigms for Research in the US Health Care System.”
- 12/21/16: Steve Wallace, PhD, “Evaluation Research.”
- 01/26/15: Jose Escarce, MD, PhD. “Using Secondary Datasets for Reserach.”
- 02/23/15: Jose Luis Calderon, MD, “Case Study of an Unsustainable Community-Academic Partnership: Towards Core Standards for the Structure of Emerging Participatory Research.”
- 03/23/15: Loretta Jones, MA, “Four E’s to the R (Efficacy, Equality, Equity Equals Respect).”
- 04/20/15: Marc Elliott, PhD, “Casemix Adjustment of Patient Evaluation of Care Measures.”
- 05/18/15: Susan Ettner, PhD, “Instrumental Variables Estimation: An Introduction.”
- 07/20/15: Ron Hays, PhD, “Using SAS PROC IRT to estimate item response theory parameters.”
- 08/17/15: Kenneth B. Wells, MD, PhD and Loretta Jones, MA, ThD, “Longer-term outcomes of community engagement in quality improvement for depression.”
- 09/21/15: Robert Weiss, PhD, “An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics.”
- 11/16/15: Catherine Sarkisian, MD, MSPH, “Hot Topics in Geriatrics Research.”
- 01/27/14: Anne R. Pebley, PhD. “Why (and How) to Think Like a Demographer.”
- 03/24/14: Arleen A. Leibowitz, PhD. “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.”
- 04/21/14: Honghu Liu, PhD. “Study Design of Sample Size Calculation and Power Analysis.”
- 05/19/14: Steven Paul Reise, PhD. “Models for estimating the reliability of scale and subscale scores.”
- 07/21/14: Nina Harawa, PhD. “Introduction to Racial and Ethnic Concepts as Used in Public Health Research.”
- 08/18/14: Beverly Weidmer Ocampo, MA. “Issues and Challanges in Conducting Research with Latinos.”
- 09/15/14: Gery Ryan, PhD. “Intervention Design: A Basic Framework for Manipulating Social Systems.”
- 12/15/14: Ron Hays, PhD and Honghu Liu, PhD. “Online Panels for Data Collection.”
- 01/14/13: Ninez Ponce, PhD, “Measuring Neighborhood Effects and the Use of Geo-coded Variables.”
- 03/18/13: Lisa Federer, MLis, MA, AHIP. “NIH Public Access Compliance & Changes in Policy.”
- 07/15/13: Mignon R. Moore, PhD. “Qualitative Research Methods: Strategies for Interview Data Analysis (Part 2).”
- 08/19/13: Nazleen H. Bharmal, MD, PhD, MPP. “Validity of Temporal Measures as Proxies for Measuring Acculturation in Asian Indian Survey Respondents.”
- 09/16/13: Michael D. Hurd, PhD, MS. “The Monetary Costs of Dementia in the United States.”
- 11/18/13: Ian Coulter, PhD. “The Rocky Road from Efficacy to Effectiveness: Overview and Critique of CER.”
- 12/16/13: Jose L. Calderon, MD. “Autopsy of an Unsustainable Partnership: Setting Minimum Standards for the Structure of New Participatory Research.”
- 01/23/12: Mohsen Bazargan, PhD, Loretta Jones, MA, and Anna “Aziza” Lucas-Wright, MEd, “Comparing Perceived and Objective Knowledge of Cancer Risk and Prevention: An Example of Community Participatory Research”
- 03/26/12: Neil W. Steers, PhD, “Measurement of Constructs in Psychosocial Models of Health Behaviors and Outcomes”
- 05/21/12: Susan L. Ettner, PhD, “Instrumental Variables (IV) Estimation: An Introduction.”
- 06/18/12: Ron D. Hays, PhD, “Evaluating Multi-Item Scales Using Item-Scale Correlations and Confirmatory Factor Analysis.”
- 09/17/12: Chi-Hong Tseng, PhD, “Phase III Clinical Trial: Randomization, Blinding and Baseline Assessment.”
- 01/24/11: Marc N. Elliott, PhD, MA, “Some Introductory Considerations Regarding Propensity Techniques”
- 03/21/11: Mary Vaiana, PhD, “Summarizing Information for Nontechnical Audiences: A Few Rules of Thumb” (Part 1 of 2)
- 04/18/11: Mary Vaiana, PhD, “Summarizing Information for Nontechnical Audiences: A Few Rules of Thumb” (Part 2 of 2)
- 05/16/11: John Heritage, PhD, “Reducing Patients Unmet Concerns in Medical Visits: A Trial of Two Question Designs”
- 07/18/11: Sylvia H. Paz, PhD, “Surveying Hard-to-Reach Populations”
- 08/15/11: Jose Luis Calderon, MD, “FONBAYS: Developing Written Communication for Populations with Limited Literacy Skills”
- 09/19/11: Lorretta Jones, MA & Anna “Aziza” Lucas-Wright, “Keys to Sustaining a Long-term Partnership”
- 11/21/11: Honghu Liu, PhD, “Study Design: Sample Size Calculation & Power Analysis”
- 12/12/11: Ron D. Hays, PhD, “Estimating Reliability”
- 01/25/10: Janet Carter, “Complying with the NIH Public Access Policy”
- 03/22/10: Jose J. Escarce, MD, PhD, “Using Secondary Datasets for Research”
- 04/19/10: Tanya Hays, “Survey Research Methods”
- 05/17/10: Ian Coulter, “Role of Qualitative Methods in Program Evaluation”
- 08/16/10: Steven P. Reise, PhD, “Item Response Theory (IRT) Measurement”
- 09/20/10: Honghu Liu, PhD, “Introduction to Statistical Modeling”
- 11/15/10: Ron D. Hays, PhD, “Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)”
- 12/20/10: Steven P. Wallace, PhD, “The Promotion of Usage of the RCMAR Coordinating Center’s Website –”
- 01/26/09: Beverly Wiedmer Ocampo, MA, “Issues and Challenges in Conducting Research with Latinos” (Part 1 of 2)
- 04/27/09: Paul Robinson, PhD, “Beyong Geocoding: How Theory and Techniques from GISc are Used to More Accurately Contextualize Neighborhood Environment”
- 05/18/09: Beverly Wiedmer Ocampo, MA, “Issues and Challenges in Conducting Research with Latinos” (Part 2 of 2)
- 09/21/09: Gery Ryan, PhD, “The Pragmatics of Exploratory Qualitative Research: Solutions to Practical Problems in Community Contexts – Data Collection” (Part 1 of 2)
- 11/16/09: Gery Ryan, PhD, “The Pragmatics of Exploratory Qualitative Research: Solutions to Practical Problems in Community Contexts – Data Analysis” (Part 2 of 2)
- 12/14/09: Raellen Man & Cathy Rujernicks, “Navigating the Changes to the NIH Instructions”
- 01/28/08: Keith C. Norris, MD & Loretta Jones, MA “Walking the Talk: Achieving the Promise of Authentic Academic-Community Partnership”
- 03/24/08: Jose J. Escarce, MD, PhD, “Using Secondary Datasets for Research”
- 04/21/08: Honghu Liu, PhD, “Study Design: Sample Size Calculation and Power Analysis”
- 05/19/08: John Adams, PhD, “Hunting for the Process-Outcome Link in Health Services Research: An Introduction to Instrumental Variables”
- 07/21/08: Leo S. Morales, MD, PhD, MPH, “Measurement of Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status”
- 09/15/08: Ron D. Hays, PhD, “Construction and Evaluation Multi-item Scales”
- 11/17/08: Ninez Ponce, PhD, “Measuring Neighborhood Effects and the Use of Geo-coded Variables”