
RCMAR & NIH Leaders

The Center for Health Improvement of Minority Elderly (CHIME) is a Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) funded by the National Institute of Health/National Institute of Aging (NIH/NIA). CHIME is housed in the UCLA Department of Medicine.

As Program Director of CHIME, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our home on the Internet. Whether you are looking for specific information or simply want to learn more about the field of healthcare among minority elders, I hope that you will find this website both interesting and informative.

Working alongside our sister RCMAR centers, our mission is to help reduce health disparities between minority and non-minority older adults. The focus of our work at CHIME is on training and mentorship of diverse junior-level faculty who will advance their career by conducting research on minority elders.

The information on this website will be updated regularly, offering you relevant and important information about the research our faculty and pilot-study funded scholars are conducting on minority elders. I encourage you to browse the site and to visit it often.

Carol Mangione, MD, MSPH