Administrative Core

Mission Statement

The long-range goal of RCMAR is to improve the health and well-being of older minority populations through the provision of resources and mentorship designed to enable research to be conducted that will identify ways to reduce health disparities. The Administrative Core will coordinate research and training methods that address administrative and management issues an ensure the integration of CHIME’s 4 cores and pilot projects.

Acknowledge the grant

It is very important that you acknowledge RCMAR/CHIME support in all products emanating from your pilot study or produced while being funded by RCMAR/CHIME.

Current Events


  • RMCAR National Coordinating Center
  • Colorado and Washington Native Elder Research Center (NERC); University of Colorado-Denver and the University of Washington in Seattle
  • Michigan Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR); University of Michigan, Michigan State University and Wayne State University
  • San Francisco Center for Aging in Diverse Communities (CADC); University of California, San Francisco
  • Birmingham Deep South Resource Center for Minority Aging Research; University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Los Angeles USC Minority Aging Health Economics Research Center; University of Southern California

Analysis Core

Mission Statement

The primary mission of the CHIME Analysis Core (AnC) is to provide comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data analyses support to CHIME pilot scholars and to promote new lines of investigation that will address CHIME’s theme, “Developing, Adapting and Evaluating Interventions to Improve the Health of Minority Elders.” Also, we will continue to play a leading role in identifying, cataloguing, evaluating and disseminating culturally informed and scientifically valid epidemological, behavioral and social measurement tools for aging research in diverse populations.

Methodological Seminars

The monthly Methodological Seminar Series includes curriculum on topics related to aging research in minority communities that focus on methodological issues relevant to the primary and secondary data analyses that the CHIME pilot-study scholars are conducting. These 1-hour seminars are taught by leading speakers at UCLA, CDU, RAND Corp., and other Academic Institutions.

Scientific Retreats

The bi-annual, all-day Scientific Retreats include poster and oral presentations by the CHIME scholars of the design or preliminary results of their CHIME pilot studies and an excellent setting in which to obtain feedback from a wide audience of researchers.

Community Liaison Core

Mission Statement

The Community Liaison Core will facilitate academic-community partnerships and recruitment for research projects aimed at improving the health and well-bring of minority older adults. In doing so, the core plays an integral role in mentoring the next generation of diverse aging scientists to facilitate effective and efficient bi-directional research.

Key Collaborators

Research Education Core

Mission Statement

The Research Education Core will provide mentoring and research support to diverse junior-level faculty who are developing academic careers that will focus on improving the health of minority elders.

This core manages the annual selection process of proposed pilot-study projects and the mentoring of selected pilot-study scholars who will be conducting the projects that include primary-date collection and/or secondary-data analyses and/or interventions.
