Please join us for the RCMAR CHIME Methodological Seminar on Monday, September 19 at 3:15 pm PDT.
Featuring: Marianne Bitler, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Economics and Center for Poverty and Inequality Research, University of California, Davis.
Instrumental Variables
Getting at causal estimates of the effects of interventions on health and well-being is the goal of much research. Yet outside of randomized control trials, it is hard to find sources of variation which avoid concerns with selection bias (people receiving an intervention are systematically different from those who do not), reverse causation (the interventions are themselves a function of the health outcome) and omitted variable bias (both the intervention and the outcome are correlated with some other unobserved confounder). Instrumental variables analysis offers one solution to this quandary. Dr. Bitler will cover standard instrumental variables, and the local average treatment effect interpretation of Angrist and Imbens, focusing on examples and sources of variation of interest to health and aging scholars such as discontinuities in eligibility for various programs by age.
Speaker Bio: Dr. Bitler has expertise in public economics, as well as in labor economics, health economics, and applied microeconomics. Before joining UC Davis, she was a professor of economics at UC Irvine. She has also worked at the Public Policy Institute of California, the RAND Corporation, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Trade Commission. She is a research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research and a research fellow at IZA. She is currently a co-editor of the Journal of Human Resources.
Monday, September 19, 2022, 3:15-4:15 pm PDT Live Streaming
or call (669) 900 6833;Meeting ID: 935 7382 7324