Aurelia Macabasco-O'Connell, PhD, RN, ACNP, FAHA, MSN
“Testing the effectiveness of an intensive dietary sodium intervention in elderly Latinos with chronic health failure.”Dr. Macabasco-O’Connell’s RCMAR/CHIME- and UCLA CTSI-funded project was to design and test a culturally- and low-literacy sensitive, intensive Low- Sodium Diet Intervention (LSDI) with elderly Latino heart failure (HF) patients using the principles of participatory-action research wherein all those involved, i.e. patients and families, healthcare provider, and members of the healthcare community, contributed to the creative thinking and planning that went into the research project and intervention. Dr. Macabasco-O’Connell conducted a randomized controlled trial Latino patients with Heart Failure (HF) with the intent to evaluate the effects of a culturally-sensitive dietary sodium intervention (intensive counseling) compared to usual care (basic counseling)that was based on her formative work with the assistance of an established Community Advisory Board.