Lorraine S. Evangelista, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor, Program in Nursing Science, University of California Irvine, received a Doctorate of Philosophy in Nursing from the UCLA School of Nursing, and her research interests are in information technology, self-care behaviors, and care of vulnerable patients (i.e. elderly, minorities) with heart failure. This interest led Dr. Evangelista to a new area of research examining the effects of remote monitoring on clinical status, weight, quality of life, cognitive status (e.g. knowledge, attitude, and beliefs), emotional well-being (e.g. perceived control, anxiety, and depression), and adherence behaviors (e.g. medications, diet and physical activity) of elderly Hispanic patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).
- “Remote monitoring in elderly patients with chronic heart failure.” Dr. Evangelista’s RCMAR/CHIME-funded project was the design of a remote monitoring intervention and comparison of all-cause hospitalization and mortality over 12 months in elderly Hispanic patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) who received a remote monitoring intervention versus usual care.
- Evangelista LS, Lee J-A, Moore AA, Motie M, Ghasemzadeh H, Sarrafzadeh M, Mangione CM. Examining the effects of remote monitoring systems on activation, self-care, and quality of life in older patients with chronic heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. January/February 2015;30(1):51-57. PMID: 24365871.
- Suh MK, Chen CA, Woodbridge J, Tu MK, Kim JI, Nahapetian A, Evangelista LS, Sarrafzadeh M. A remote patient monitoring system for congestive heart failure. Journal of Medical Systems. 2011 Oct 2011;35:1165-1179. PMID: 21611788. PMCID: PMC3236812.
- Evangelista LS, Moser DK, Lee JA, Moore AA, Ghasemzadeh H, Sarrafzadeh M, Mangione CM. Examining older adults’ perceptions of usability and acceptability of remote monitoring systems to manage chronic heart failure. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 2015 Jan-Dec; 1: 1-6.