Carolyn Mendez-Luck, PhD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Health Aging Research School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, College of Public Health Human Sciences, Oregon State University, and an Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Dr. Mendez-Luck received a Doctorate of Philosophy and a Master of Public Health from the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and her research interests include community-based participatory research methods, care giving of older Latinos and aging-related health disparities in this population.
2004-05 & 2005-07(Supplement) & 2008-09
- 2008-09 Pilot Project, “Elders caring for elders in Los Angeles County.” Dr. Carolyn Mendez-Luck’s 2004-05 and 2008-09 RCMAR/CHIME-funded projects and her 2005-07 RCMAR/CHIME-sponsored diversity-supplement project built on each other to examine the relationships between informal caregiving and a range of health indicators among ethnically diverse elderly persons who are caring for another elderly adult in Los Angeles County. The project aims were: 1) To create a health and socio-demographic profile of caregivers age 65 and older; 2) To identify the relationship between caregiving and health indicators and, 3) To explore whether race/ethnicity, socio-economic characteristics, characteristics of the caregiving situation, and health care access moderate the caregiving-health relationship.
- 2005-2007 NIH/NIA Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health Related Research, “Examining conceptual constructs of elder caregiving within a Mexican-origin population.”
- 2004-2005 Pilot Project, “Mexican-origin women’s concepts of giving care to older relatives.”
- Mendez-Luck CA, Trejo L, Miranda J, Jimenez E, Quiter ES, Mangione, CM. Recruitment strategies and costs associated with community-based research in a Mexican-origin population. Gerontologist. 2011 Jun; 51 Suppl 1:S94-105. PMID: 21565824. PMCID: PMC3092970.
- Herrera AP, Mendez-Luck CA, Crist JD, Smith ML, Warre R, Ory MG, Markides K. Psychological and cognitive health differences by caregiver status among older age Mexican Americans. Community Mental Health Journal. 2012 Feb 7. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID 22311331.
- Mendez-Luck CA, Kennedy DP, Wallace SP. Guardians of health: The dimensions of elder caregiving among women in a Mexico City neighborhood. Social Science & Medicine. 2009 Jan;68(2):228-34. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.10.026. Epub 2008 Nov 24. PMID: 19028415. PMCID: PMC2917379.
- Mendez-Luck CA, Kennedy DP, Wallace SP. Concepts of burden in giving care to older relatives: A study of female caregivers in a Mexico City neighborhood. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology. 2008 Sep;23(3):265-82. doi: 10.1007/s10823-008-9058-6. Epub 2008 Mar. PMID: 18324460. PMCID: PMC2930188.
- Mendez-Luck CA, Bethel JW, Goins RT, Schure MB, McDermott E. Community as a source of health in three racial/ethnic communities in Oregon: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 2015 Feb 12;15:127. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1462-6. PubMed PMID: 25884852; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4340096.
- Mendez-Luck CA, Anthony KP. Marianismo and Caregiving Role Beliefs Among U.S.-Born and Immigrant Mexican Women. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2015 Sep 11. pii: gbv083. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26362602.
- Herrera AP, Mendez-Luck CA, Crist JD, Smith ML, Warre R, Ory MG, Markides K. Psychosocial and cognitive health differences by caregiver status among older Mexican Americans. Community Ment Health J. 2013 Feb;49(1):61-72. doi: 10.1007/s10597-012-9494-1. Epub 2012 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 22311331; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3491112.